糸魚川翡翠 青翡翠 まがたま 勾玉 13.7g Blue Jadeite Magatama





使用原石 翡翠
産地 新潟県糸魚川市小滝産
Size(Max) 30mm×20mm×13mm
Weight 13.7g

Yuru-Magatama made of rare blue jadeite from Itoigawa Japan.
Can be shipped to all over the world by EMS or Small packet.
Can be refunded when you are not pleased with the item,
please let us know within three days after the item arrives and then return it.
However, please note that the customer is responsible for the transfer fee.
If you have any question, please feel free to contact us.


● 写真については、できる限り現物に近い色味や質感を再現出来るように撮影しておりますが、光の加減や、撮影時間、モニター環境等により実際の商品と若干の違いが出る場合がございます。







*Tax included.

*Shipping fee is not included.More information

Shipping method / fee

The shipping fees and delivery method/s for this product are as follows.

  • Letter-Pack

    Your delivery status can be checked online.

    Shipping Fees are the same all over country inside Japan ¥0

The shipping fee for this item varies by the shipping method. Customers can choose the shipping method at time of purchase.

  • EMS

    This shipping supports package tracking and compensation for damages.

    Shipping fees vary by region.

    • Asia
      Uniform rate for area


    • Oceania
      Uniform rate for area


    • North / Central America
      Uniform rate for area


    • Middle East
      Uniform rate for area


    • Europe
      Uniform rate for area


    • South America
      Uniform rate for area


    • Africa
      Uniform rate for area


    • Other areas
      Uniform rate for area


  • Small packet

    It takes longer than EMS.

    Shipping Fees are the same in all countries outside Japan ¥100

*This item can be shipped outside of Japan.

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